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The Water Keeper

Charles Martin

Top 10 Best Quotes

“We all lose our way. Sometimes it just takes somebody else to find us and bring us back. Remind us.”

“Love fills the empty places and flows from what was once the epicenter of the wound. And it’s the flowing that washes out the residue of the pain and makes us whole again. That’s the crazy miracle that is love. The more you pour out, the more you have to pour.”

“Water heals itself. Every time. I like that. And if I’m being honest, maybe I need that.”

“That we were made to want and give love. That no matter how dark the night, midnight will pass. No darkness, no matter how dark, can hold back the second hand. Whether you like it or not, whether you want it or not, whether you hope it or not, whether you build a wall around your soul and cut out your eyes, wait a few hours and the sun will crack the skyline and the darkness will roll back like a scroll.”

“Love is an amazing thing. It takes the brokenness, the scars, the pain, the darkness, everything, and makes it all new.”

“Sometimes you have to show people your cards to keep them in the game.”

“But love is a difficult thing to kill. Actually, it’s the only thing in this universe or any other that you can’t kill. No weapon that has ever been made can put a dent in it. You might punch it, stab it, whip it, and hang it out to dry—you can even drive a spear through it, pierce its very heart. But all you’re going to get is blood and water, because love gives birth to love.”

“You unhinged your body from an opium addiction with a book?” She smiled. “Not just any book. A series of thirteen books by one author. I’ve read them twenty or thirty times each.” “You’ve read one book twenty or thirty times?” “Actually, I’ve read thirteen books twenty-seven times.”

“You can choose that if you want, or you can realize that we are all just broken, and sometimes no matter how hard we try and no matter what we do, people just don’t love us back.’ He”

“Writes over the old memories. Makes beauty out of pain. Love writes what can be.”

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Book Keywords:

healing, love

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