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A World Without Email: Reimagining Work in an Age of Communication Overload

Cal Newport

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Why bother hiring a hotshot if the bulk of their time is spent doing administrative work?”

“Perhaps Marshall’s most striking habit was his insistence on leaving the office each day at 5:30 p.m. In an age before cell phones and email, Marshall didn’t put in a second shift late into the night once he got home. Having experienced burnout earlier in his career, he felt it was important to relax in the evening. “A man who worked himself to tatters on minor details had no ability to handle the more vital issues of war,” he once said.”

“In this second part, I introduce a framework I call attention capital theory that argues for creating workflows built around processes specifically designed to help us get the most out of our human brains while minimizing unnecessary miseries. This”

“A better strategy for shifting other’s expectations about your work is to consistently deliver what you promise instead of consistently explaining how you’re working.”

“… a better objective for support units would be the following: to effectively fulfill their administrative duties with as small an impact as possible on the specialists’ main work obligations. If taken seriously this metric might mean a given support unit needs to make its own work less efficient to better serve the organization.”

“written summary of the call was sent to the client. Sean’s”

“the crucial step in programming is not the actual act of mechanically typing commands into a computer, but instead crafting the underlying solution that is then translated into code.”

“locus of control theory, a subfield of personality psychology that argues that motivation is closely connected to whether people feel like they have control over their ultimate success in an endeavor.”

“While the ability to rapidly communicate using digital messages is useful, the frequent disruptions created by this behavior also make it hard to focus, which has a bigger impact on our ability to produce valuable output than we may have realized.”

“While email use certainly saves people time and effort in communicating,” the authors of the 2016 study conclude, “it also comes at a cost.” Their recommendation? “[We] suggest that organizations make a concerted effort to cut down on email traffic.”

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Book Keywords:

efficiency, explaining, hiring, administration, work, hotshot, deliver, administrative, email

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